Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Video Conferencing

Here at, we have divided up our campuses into two regions. Ours is Region 1 which consists of these campuses:

Tulsa, OK
South Tulsa, OK
Wellington, FL
Albany, NY
Ft. Worth, TX
Hendersonville, TN
Stillwater, OK

So, one of the ways we stay connected is through a monthly meeting using our video conferencing equipment. This is a great resource to us, but we sometimes look a little too pixelated.

Adobe offers another tool to allow video and txt conferencing that we're looking into so that we don't have to rely on the buggy video conf. equipment we're currently using.

Here's a screen shot taken by Chris Rogers, our Wellington Worship Pastor.


steve said...

man, that is a rough looking crew but I am know there is immense talent that is lifting up our Savior...if these others are like Derrick, they knock it out of the park every weekend there up!...I appreciate U! Thanks to each of you for being a blessing at your campus!

Derrick Henslee said...

Thanks Steve! The others are like me...but not as hawt. I do sweat a lot though.

Unknown said...

That aint no lie. God has laid down some serious talent throughout the Lifechurch campuses. All of our campuses are blessed every week with the work all of you do in the name of Jesus.

Anonymous said...

Ha ha.

The black screen for Brandon cracks me up.

Derrick Henslee said...

Yeah, that's cause Andrew broke their camera....awww, that's sad.