Friday, December 7, 2007

The December Event - Long Story

Each year, for the past several years, hosts all of its staff and spouses for the annual "The December Event." (Yes, it is in its simplicity that you'll find the creativity of the name!) Anyway, we came together at our OKC campus and heard from Perry Noble, Senior Pastor of NewSpring Church in Anderson, SC. All I have to say about him is that I have a new-found fear of butt-freezing snow snakes. You can read more about his talk and the first day of our event here.

Thursday had some really great information and insight which you can read about here. It was a rough day for the Henslee family though! Ezra got some sort of 24hr bug last week and was VERY sick. Rachel got it next, and wouldn't you know it I followed right behind. It all began Wednesday night when I was bowing down to the porcelain water goddess and retching myself so hard my femur hurt! Sorry to be gross....but I think the whole hotel was afraid an woolly mammoth was about to break through their wall! What can I say, I'm a loud sick person. So most of Thursday I was just achy and cold.

Rachel had to stay in the hotel with a crying baby so that we wouldn't put him in child care and potentially get other people sick. So, although she was feeling the best out of the lot of us, she had to listen to the screaming kid all day!

Today, all is well. The kiddo is doing better, Rachel feels better and I feel like nothing ever happened! I wish that were the case. I wasn't able to get as much out of the event as I would have like due to feeling so puny. So, I'll end the whining session now and let you get to reading the cool blogs that I posted links to up ahead! Moral of the story.....freakin wash your hands!!!! It's FLU season!!!!

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