Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Post-Easter Update on Tulsa

Easter this year was a bit mind blowing for me. This is for a number of reasons but the greatest of which was that we launched the second Tulsa area campus mid-January. We asked people to move to the campus based on their geographical location to it, and to help partner with us in the vision God has given to our leaders. Over 700 people went to start that new campus of

The weekend before we launched South Tulsa, we had over 3,000 people in attendance at the Tulsa campus. After that we dropped down to the 2,200 - 2,300 level for a few weeks. On Easter, we saw 3088 people walk through the doors and 43 people indicated a decision for Christ! It gets even cooler...South Tulsa had over 1,000 people in attendance for their Easter experiences. That means, in the Tulsa area, over 4,100 people came to, and 50 people made a decision to follow Jesus! mind blowing!

There are a few things that we did here at the Tulsa campus this past weekend. Usually for Easter I rent a lot of lights and we do a big production, of sorts. But this year we opted to have church like every other weekend, so as to present a more accurate picture of what the church is like for newcomers. Kent Shaffer wrote about his experience visiting our campus this past weekend here. There's some photos there.

A few things we did were:

  • Had an attender paint a giant mural of our new series graphic on the building exterior
  • Before worship, the band played "The Pretender" by the Foo Fighters while I used a Guitar Hero guitar and sang the song as the video of Guitar Hero played behind me.
  • Created a new Guest Services booth to centralize the place for questions and information for the attenders. This was heavily staffed with fully capable and knowledgeable people.
Overall, the weekend went exceptionally well. This week we have baptisms which I'll post about how we do that next week!

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