Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Serving With A Smile

My boss has been blogging about service lately. This week he's doing a series dedicated to customer service. Check it out HERE.

To me this is a big deal. With my band at church, we've really been focusing on engaging people in the lobby between experiences. Some of them have gone out of their way to talk to people and seek out new people to strike up conversations with. This has been cool to watch! We recently had someone that works at another Lifechurch.tv campus come and visit ours. I asked them if they noticed anything that stood out to them. They told me that they were amazed, because they have never seen any other campus' band come out into the lobby and engage people like our band did. That made me feel SO proud of the guys (and gal) that I serve alongside!

I wonder what ways we could serve people that we come in contact with, and at the same time, not make them feel overwhelmed by us? I'd love to see what your thoughts are. Be sure to check out Craig's Swerve blog at the link above.

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